Monday, 6 June 2016

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Summer Show

Today we're demolishing our rooms and setting the boards up for the summer show. However, our tutors have not ordered in the paint so we aren't going to be able to finish it and start setting up until at least next week.

I have been coming up with different ideas of what I could have my board like, I was thinking of using wall paper and a wall sticker print to the title of my project, or to create a sticker of a lace pattern and to have it draping around my final pieces.

I think that I want to create a few pages in my sketch book, purely for the planning of my board, as our work will be marked while its all up and being presented. I'm planning to take at least two hours to plan out my board to insure that it is up to the standard that I wish it could be.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Here I have been experimenting with boning, I have used a mesh material and a foam strips to create a sample of this technique. I would like to use something like this or a similar technique to this is my illustrations.


Sunday, 15 May 2016

For Love and lemons

I have come across a lingerie website called For Love and Lemons, I want to analyse all of the modern lingerie styles to see how I could incorporate the styles of the 1900's into lingerie that the modern woman would wear. By analysing these styles I will then be coming up with a variety of fashion illustrations that will be reflecting both modern styles of lingerie and styles from the 1900's.

Friday, 13 May 2016


I have been playing around on the stand with the ideas of lingerie and weaving. I've created many samples of these so I can get a rough idea of how lingerie works with the fabrics I have chosen. The fabric I do have for this project was from a little fabric shop in paris, its a meshed fabric with a velvet abstract pattern attached to the material. I do feel as if this is the perfect fabric for my project as it looks and feels very sexy yet sophisticated, it also links in well with my chosen era and colour scheme.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


I have decided to look into lingerie. I want to reinvent old fashioned underwear and slips, making them into modern day pieces that the modern woman would wear. To include language into my pieces I will be screen printing onto lace and ribbon and weaving and embroidering it into my pieces. I have experimented with this by creating my own patterned pieces through weaving paper together. I do really enjoy weaving as i get to create my own patterns, rather than using one that has already been created. I want to play around with this idea more throughout my project and my illustrations.