The Journey of Language.
Having no barriers within my creativity, allowing my mind to wander and drift beyond all sense of normality, experimenting with techniques and patterns so unique to myself, have allowed me to progress through this foundation year. I have found the beauty of working directly onto the stand, and one day projects have pushed me to let down my barriers and work at a face pace. Life drawing has made me appreciate smaller details and how everything comes down to just being basic shape, proportion and colour.
I can now accurately recognize the strengths and weaknesses in my work, my stronger side being the making, working straight onto the mannequin. However, I now know and understand how my analysis and explanations of my own thoughts could be much clearer a well as being presented better.
These last few months of learning, experimenting and purely playing within my chosen area, has lead me to firmly decided that I want my unit 7 project to be based around fashion and costume.
My intentions for unit 7 are to research into different types and styles of typography and language. My main aims are to look into how language has changed over the years alongside fashion trends around the same era, how some have become obsolete and the different popularity of languages. I will also be focusing on typography and text, how it has developed within language and the social standards that we have in this day and age.
I will also research ancient language and manuscripts, researching new word trends and obsolete words and phrases. I will go to library’s and museums to find primary evidence of ancient manuscripts and hand rendered books. I want evidence of how language and text has changed through society’s standards as well as major life and world changing events. I will be creating questionnaires to primarily discover facts about what my peers see as a fashion trend right now, and how trends from different eras can come back around to be reinvented into something new.
Another aspect I am intending to research into is how fashion trends run alongside word and typography trends. When looking back into how language was spoken and used 80 years ago in comparison to the main garment trends and necessities in the same era.
In order to link all of my research and findings with fashion and costume, I will be research. I of course will be utilizing all of the resources available to me, such as; Library’s, museums, darkrooms, print rooms, sewing machines, welding stations, laser printers, the internet and many more available to me. My main anticipated outcome will be a collection, or one final garment that will accurately represent my chosen theme and for my final show to reflect my whole body of work.
My fashion illustrations will give me a platform to quickly and efficiently experiment with my ideas and through processes, and sketchbooks will allow me to have the opportunity to explain myself and ideas, how they all link together to create one final outcome. I am going to surpass all boundaries and barriers, pushing myself to create a body of work that fully represents the height of my ability at this point in my life and career. I will constantly reflect upon my successes and failures. There will possibly be a lot of change and adaptations within this unit; therefore I am going to be leaving room for this change. I will be keeping track of all feedback and ideas in order to allow myself to reach my full potential within this project.
Nicole Hofgartner
The metropolitan museum
Bath Fashion museum
Bath Fashion museum
Cardiff Central Library
Vintage Fashion and Couture book by Kerry Taylor
DK Fashion; The ultimate book of costume and style
DK Fashion; The ultimate book of costume and style
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